Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: What is Nodiv Fashion's return policy? A: We offer a 30-day return policy for unworn items with original tags. Refunds are processed within 5-7 business days.

Q: Do you offer international shipping? A: Yes, we ship to over 50 countries. Shipping costs and delivery times vary by location.

Q: How can I track my order? A: Once your order ships, you'll receive a tracking number via email. You can also check your order status in your account dashboard.

Q: Are your clothes ethically produced? A: Absolutely. We partner with certified ethical manufacturers and use sustainable materials wherever possible.

Q: Do you offer plus sizes? A: Yes, our size range is inclusive, offering XS to 3XL in most styles.

Q: How often do you release new collections? A: We launch new seasonal collections quarterly, with mini-collections and limited editions throughout the year.

Q: Can I book a personal styling session? A: Yes, both in-store and virtual styling sessions are available. Book through our website or contact customer service.

Q: Do you have a loyalty program? A: Yes, our Nodiv Rewards program offers points on purchases, exclusive discounts, and early access to sales.

Q: Howdo I care for Nodiv Fashion items? A: Care instructions are provided on each product's label and webpage. Generally, we recommend gentle washing and air drying for longevity.

Q: What payment methods do you accept? A: We accept major credit cards, PayPal, and Apple Pay for online purchases. In-store, we also accept cash and gift cards.